Strategy for development and application of space science and technology to 2030

The Prime Minister has just issued a Strategy for development and application of space science and technology to 2030 (Decision No. 169/QD-TTg dated February 04, 2021).

Engineers from the Vietnam Space Center (VNSC) designed the MicroDragon satellite. Photo: VNSC

The overall objective of the Strategy is to widely apply achievements of space science and technology; invest in a number of fields related to national defense, security, natural resources and environment management, monitoring and supporting damage reduction caused by natural disasters, providing a variety of services to people; enhance the country’s scientific and technological potential, contribute to ensuring independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, promote socio-economic development and ensure other national interests.

Regarding key investment, the Strategy strives to master the technology of designing, manufacturing and integrating optical and radar sensors for Earth observation satellites; assembling, integrating, testing in the country small high-resolution, ultra-high resolution satellites; master the technology of designing and manufacturing terminals, ground stations for controlling and receiving satellite data, transponders for telecommunication satellites; forming Vietnam’s navigation and navigation capacity, reducing dependence on existing global satellite-based navigation systems.

Regarding the application of space science and technology, the goal is to proactively and promptly supervise and support decision-making to respond to activities, changes of nature and large-scale social changes within the territory of Vietnam; providing a variety of telecommunications, navigation, navigation and warning services based on satellite data for people.

Regarding the development of space science and technology potential, the Strategy strives to train a team of about 300 experts and 3000 engineers in the field of space science and technology; invest in upgrading about 10 intensive laboratories; develop strong research groups in space science, space technology, space science and technology application…

To achieve the above objectives, the Strategy will complete the national legal framework and institutions; scientific research and technological development; investment in the construction of technical infrastructure; human resource development; market development…

In particular, the Strategy will complete the investment in the Vietnam Space Center project according to the schedule approved by the Prime Minister; invest in upgrading specialized laboratories for research in geophysics, astrophysics, cosmology, zero gravity, space biomedicine, space weather; improve research capacity, master technology for design, manufacture, integration and testing of small satellites; research, develop and implement a plan to promptly replace 02 telecommunications satellites VINASAT-1 and VINASAT-2; invest in developing Earth observation capabilities based on small high-resolution, ultra-high-resolution satellites, using optical sensor technology, radar, combined with unmanned aerial vehicles; research, propose solutions, organize the implementation of the project on building and developing the national navigation positioning capacity; invest in completing the national infrastructure of geographical information systems, serving the management and supervision of territory, territorial sea and important works at the national level.

Regarding human resource development, the Strategy states: Establish and upgrade at least 05 training institutions to meet the needs of mastering, developing and applying space science and technology in association with the development orientation of production and trading of products and services in the field of space science and technology; formulate and promulgate training sector codes, program frameworks and outcome standards for aviation and space studies; develop strong research groups, including about 05 groups on space science, 15 groups on space technology, ensuring a reasonable human resource structure, inheritance, capacity to preside over priority research directions; Organize in-depth training courses on skills for policy making, state management enforcement, start-up support towards innovation in the field of space science and technology.

Regarding market development: Timely research and addition of technologies and products in the field of space science and technology to the list of high technologies prioritized for development investment and the list of hi-tech products encouraged for development; building an ecosystem, encouraging the formation of innovative enterprises based on new products and services from space science and technology combined with priority technologies for research, development and application to actively participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution; promote the formation of domestic and foreign markets for Earth surface imaging services, satellite transmission channels, application of navigation systems of Vietnam; develop mechanisms to support the exploitation of national databases, specialized databases on Earth observation, development of data processing services from satellites; pilot the outsourcing plan to provide space data processing services to state agencies and organizations; research and formulate mechanisms and policies to promote the transfer of dual-use technologies and products between civil and defense and security; develop a system of statistical indicators, assess impacts on socio-economic development of space science and technology.

In order to raise awareness of space science and technology, the Strategy determines: promoting the dissemination of general knowledge, forming a regular scientific section on aeronautics and aerospace in magazines for young generations, websites and television channels; promote raising awareness of enterprises about the potential for production, business and start-up development towards innovation in the field of space science and technology; deploy forms of communication in service of raising awareness of all levels, branches and localities about the contents and potentials of space science and technology for socio-economic development, protection of sovereignty and assurance of national security.


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